Car Title Loans

Own your car, truck, SUV or heavy equipment, let it be your collateral.

Car Title Loans are a Fast and Easy Way to Secure a Cash Loan.

uLoan will loan you the money you need now!

Bad credit? Low income? If you have collateral, you can get cash.

Title loans mean you get cash and keep driving!

You can borrow $5,000-$50,000 through a title loan on your car, truck, SUV, semi-truck, or heavy duty equipment. Your vehicle serves as your credit — you get cash and keep driving!

It really is this easy. If you own and insure your vehicle, you get cash.

We do not rely on credit scores, nor do we report to credit bureaus. No credit checks are required — your free and clear automobile IS your credit!

uLoan Canada is here to help you get your cash and be on your way.


Real Life Case Study

At uLoan we know that unexpected costs happen. Our title loans can help! For example, Monica S. came to uLoan for a title loan when her husband had emergency surgery which left him unable to work for three weeks. With little savings, this left them short for that month’s mortgage payment and bills.

They did however own their late model SUV free and clear. uLoan was able to place a charge against this asset and provide a short term title loan to cover their immediate expenses, that very same day. Within three months, the husband was back to work, the loan was repaid and life was good again!


Possible Loan Example

uLoan Canada title loans can help you get your cash and be on your way.

Possible Car Title Loan Example:

  • $5,000 Borrowed For 6 Months
  • Interest Payment $150.00 a month from 36% APR
  • Total Amount Payable: $5,900
  • Total Interest: $900